The Story Behind UNSTICK

I often tell my friends that I won the parent lottery when I was born.   We can’t choose our parents when we enter this world, but in my case, I was fortunate and blessed to be born into a family with the most amazing parents a person could ask for.  My incredible parents blessed my childhood home with delicious food made from fresh ingredients that we grew in our backyard garden. They were constantly creating their own recipes. I remember being amazed at how my parents would pick fresh fruit from one of the many fruit trees in our backyard and magically turn it into the best chutneys I have ever tasted.  We didn’t have a lot growing up, but somehow my parents always managed to make us feel we had everything we needed.

If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today, nor would I have this company. They taught me and my siblings how to truly appreciate food, and how to live a fulfilling life. Simple concepts like hard work, discipline, learning from your mistakes, the value of money, and surrounding yourself with positive people were all things that I learned at a very young age. They also instilled a passion for food and for cooking in me that has lasted to this day.

After graduating from university, I spent the next 15 years in corporate Marketing, working with renowned companies such as Pepsi and Kraft. I eventually married my university sweetheart and together gave life to two beautiful twin girls. As soon as I set eyes on them, I realized that I had the rest of my life to work, but I would never get this time with them again. I decided to stay home with our girls for the next few years and let’s just say they kept me very busy.

A few years later, just before the kids started school, I went to China for a vacation. After a full day of shopping in the markets, I finally decided to stop for a bite to eat.  There were at least 30-40 vendors lined up at the market, each of them serving fresh food made right in front of you. While walking around deciding on my many options, I came across an older woman who was grilling chicken skewers on a bbq. 

When I saw how she was cooking, I stopped dead in my tracks. She was barbecuing chicken on what looked like a piece of material directly over the bbq, but nothing was sticking to the mat and the material wasn’t catching fire!  I thought of all the times that I griIl fish, chicken and veggies and how it always sticks.  I immediately began imagining all the endless food possibilities that I could make on the grill with this mystery material. I knew that I needed to have this material for my own personal use and I wasn’t leaving the country without it. The language barrier made it difficult to determine exactly what the material was, and so I returned to Canada empty handed.

I have always been an entrepreneur at heart—even during my many years in the corporate world, I always knew that I would eventually have my own product line one day.   When I arrived back home I went to every store I could think of to see if anyone had heard of this mystery material but nobody had heard of it. Finally, after spending endless hours of research, I figured out what the material was. Shortly after UNSTICK was born, I became a Mompreneur (which, by the way, is the best job I’ve had in my life).

I truly hope you enjoy UNSTICK products as much as we do.  If you are anything like me and you hate the time it takes to clean up, then you will absolutely love these products.  We only use the highest quality materials for each and every one of our products and we try our best to provide the best customer service possible.

Thanks for visiting our site and please drop us a line anytime to let us know what you think.


Kalpana Daugherty

Just a girl with a dream that decided to go for it!